Find a Way or Make a Way
Checklists of Helpful Accommodations for Students with ADHD, Executive Dysfunctions, Mood Disorders, Tourette’s Syndrome, OCD and Other Neurological Challenges
Impact on Academic, Behavioral, and Social Functioning of Students With ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, and OCD Modifications And Interventions
Leslie E. Packer, Ph.D.
ISBN 978-0-9818643-2-7
Perfect Bound, 8.5″ x 11″
72 Pages
Marilyn P. Dornbush, Ph.D. is a school psychologist in private practice who specializes in child neuropsychology. Since she wrote her dissertation in 1984 on children with Tourette syndrome, she has been involved in the assessment, education and behavioral management of students with neurological disorders.
Sheryl K. Pruitt, M.Ed., ET/P, is Clinical Director of Parkaire Consultants, a neurological clinic in Atlanta that she founded 23 years ago that specializes in serving people with ADHD, TS and OCD. She is a consultant, author, educational therapist, and international speaker.

The book is designed to provide lots of practical ideas to incorporate in a student’s plan and also has sections on accommodations for homework, tests, sleep problems, and the almost-always present handwriting problems
What professionals and parents have said about this work…
“This guide is a resource that can help bridge the gap between home and school, providing consistency that is essential for a student to achieve emotional, behavioral, and academic success. Written in lay-person terminology, it is easy to comprehend, and is a resource that is time and cost effective for both parents and educational professionals to use.”
Heather M. Bausano, PsyD, Certified School Psychologist
“The guide provides terrific accommodation ideas for students with disabilities that are often not covered in depth in graduate education programs. I love the convenient checklists…for each disability. I will keep the guide on my shelf to help me think about what accommodations my students may need.”
Tara Lathan, Teacher
“The Bible for every school. What an incredible opportunity for teachers professionals, and parents to be on the same page, working together from the same great resource. Leslie Packer has created the most relevant work available for our children.”
Becky Ottinger, Executive Director, Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders
“Advocating for appropriate school accomodations for our child has been a daunting task. Armed with Leslie Packer’s comprehensive and easy-to-use checklists, we now feel empowered!”
Mike and Florence Cannon, Parents